Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Laurens
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Moká¹£a and Psychedelics Do Drugs Have a Place in Advaita ç?.
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The Value of Psychedelics
While the use of psychedelics has a number of flaws which prevent it from being a useful path to moká¹£a in the context of Advaita ç, psychedelic drugs are not completely without value. Especially in the modern context where authentic encounter with religion can be rare, psychedelics can open a person up to religious concepts like non-duality. There is no doubt that the drugs have introduced many of the youthful generation to a firsthand religious experience that they would have encountered in no other way.\r
Through facilitating an encounter with the Transcendent, psychedelics can act as a primer for further religious investigation.
In fact, many people who were first introduced to these types of religious concepts through psychedelics often give up [psychedelics] for other methods of pursuing the religious quest. Even those who have given them up have acknowledged the crucial agency of the drugs in a new religious birth. They are glad they took them.\r
Within the context of Advaita ç this is certainly advantageous.
Psychedelics open up the possibility to achieve moká¹£a for people who otherwise may have never even encountered ideas found in Advaita.
While this is true, the continued use of psychedelics as a practice is not compatible with the Advaita and will not ultimately lead to liberation.
Though these drugs may offer a window into an understanding of non-duality, they could not replace non-dual philosophical systems like Advaita ç as they fall flat in certain regards.
Due to the particularities of psychedelics, traditional practice of Advaita is still the best path to achieving moká¹£a.
In deze
borderline times, waarin het erop lijkt dat we zonder medicatie in de normaliteit niet meer kunnen bestaan, dat we medicatie nodig hebben om de ondraaglijke zwaarte van het bestaan te kunnen blijven torsen, kan een ontmoeting met het transcendente, gefaciliteerd door psychedelica, dus deuren openen voor mensen die anders misschien nog nooit ideeën in Advaita zijn tegengekomen.
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Laurens
Geheel ook buiten het onderwerp, waar dit Vagebond's stekkie heet.
Ja, hoe komt die Fer nu berichten over zijn teleurstelling met Bufo in dit topic!
Voor Fer, ook nog uit de .pdf...
The truth is, there are many variables in place that determine the specifics of a psychedelic experience and in fact it is quite difficult to produce authentic mystical experiences even under the proper conditions.
The most pertinent variables to achieving a transcendent experience are dosage, set, and setting.
Regarding the first variable, without a sufficiently high dose of the psychedelic compound, transcendent experiences are unlikely. Pahnke uses a metaphor of thrust and a rocket to explain the role dosage plays in creating mystical experience.
There appears to be a critical level beyond which psychedelic mystical experience becomes possible, which can be compared to the minimal amount of thrust needed for a rocket to launch itself into orbit.\r
Even under ideal conditions, without a sufficient dose of a psychedelic it is very unlikely that an experience of non-duality or pure consciousness would be possible.
Super boeiend toch!
Oorspronkelijk geplaatst door Laurens
Mocht ik een doorstart overwegen dan komt niets hiervan daarop terecht. Ik ben alles aan het opschonen en mocht ik iets doen dan wordt het hier naslagwerk en geen forum meer.
Oh, het staat al vast dat het geen forum meer wordt dus.
Ik was al bezig met handtekeningen voor een petitie te verzamelen om het forum te laten voortbestaan, maar dat is uitgesloten dus.